Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Admiring yew!

Had a great trip to Northern California I was camping with my buddy Rich and doing some small game hunting.  We had some great hikes into the forests.  It was a real treasure to spot a yew tree, and while we didn't harvest any it was fun to imagine a bow stave as we admired these wonderful trees.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sierra Nevada Adventure

Had a great time backpacking in the Sierra Nevada hunting with my recurve bow and fishing with my Tenkara fly rod.  Gear is simple and it demands even more skills to harvest the bounty.  It also begs the outdoorsman to get closer to his quarry.  For those of you that haven't checked out Tenkara it is a beautiful and long (12foot) telescopic graphite rod with NO reel.  I'm still getting the hang of it and I'm enjoying it immensely.